
April 19, 2012

Education and the Examination Swindle - Part 3

Editors note: Alicia Cuddeford is the author of 'Hello the Internet!' at I am glad to have her here to provide a bit of diversity to the arguments, laid out in my recent posts on Education, parts 1 and 2.

Hello fellow CompBlog readers! I was recently asked by Nicolas to write a guest post for his wonderful site, an offer which I could not refuse. It would be nice to write for people other than friends who have taken pity on me for attempting to become a successful blogger. This is also a brilliant forum for writing something worthwhile and showing it to a different audience.

For those unaware of how I write, my blogging style is basically “Think of a subject and then tap hands on keyboard making words that sort of associate with the topic and end up with an incredibly strange piece of text”. However, I have structured and planned this blog, so hopefully it will be coherent.

I think that’s all you need to know — on with the task in hand.

I would like to consider myself a teenager, and like most teenagers, I am in full time education, and probably will be until I leave university at the age of 21.

And like most teenagers, I’m not a fan of our education system. I think it has failed certain groups and individuals.

With permission, I am taking the example of somebody of I know. He just about scraped through his GCSEs, achieving Cs (and the occasional A, to his credit). His expected grades were As/A*s, but his work ethic was non-existent — so what did the teachers do? Well, he was capable of getting a C without doing any revision or extra work, so they left him to his own devices. I would guess that this is because when you go to any secondary school, they show their GCSE results as “87% of our pupils achieved A*-C grade in more than five subjects," for example. Schools (generally — in my experience) don’t care as long as you “pass” — achieve a C, so they can climb higher in the league table of A*-C grades and give the impression of a good reputation.