
January 27, 2012

A Merge, a Focus and a Conundrum

It has been a while since I have made a blog-update, but today I have some very exciting news to announce. Well, maybe not so exciting to you, but it is to me!

A few readers may know that I am running a recently set up blog on Tumblr called The{<}CompBlog (TheMiniCompBlog), where I post my mini-rants that are too big for Twitter. I have noticed during the 2 week operating span, the readers were coming from 2 completely different groups. I wanted to unify the reading experience, so, as a result, I am going to merge that blog with the regular TheCompBlog. Expect 2 new old posts from the {<} blog to be on here soon and expect more shorter articles more regularly.

Next on the agenda, is focus. What I have realised is that every successful tech blogger has some sort of topic he or she focuses on. MG Siegler from TechCrunch focuses on Apple, for instance. I feel that focusing on a company is too narrow minded and not a wide enough topic, so I am going to focus my blog posts on future and emerging technologies, which will allow me to retain the rant-style post while being of a slightly more uniform topic.

Don't worry! Not every post will focus on this! I still have a few radical views I want to complain about!

Finally, the conundrum. Most of my techie friends at school will know what I am talking about, and if you are not someone who is interested in blogging methods, I suggest you save some time by not reading this part.

I am facing a mental war between Tumblr and Wordpress, the 2 candidates for my blog. I am still not quite sure what my blog is about or what it stands for, making the decision a whole lot harder. Tumblr offers a wide variety of posting options, from a picture to a quote, while encouraging activity. Wordpress, however, is open source (so less likely to be bought) and is used by professionals everywhere as a data-management system for their sites.

The fight rages on with WordPress leading on the score chart. (yes, I have weird metaphors) But Tumblr is still standing with its multi-content posting. Who will take home TheCompBlog?

[Cue onslaught of block capital tweets from @direthoughts and @alex_forey…]