
April 1, 2011

Copyright, Infringement and Stupidity: Update 4

Google Vs. Microsoft all over again. These are both two companies I hold a grudge against, but a very small one in the case of Google. I use google search, apps (to run my upcoming domain), gmail, blogger, etc. but I have not used any Microsoft products to date, except for testing, which I am extremely proud of. 

Moving on, Microsoft is taking Google to the European courts due to claims of anti-competitiveness. This basically means that Microsoft feel that Google is blocking Bing (Microsofts search engine, which is much worse than googles) from growing and is abusing its influence in the market. This may be a serious case, If Microsoft win, but if Google wins, they will have just avoided yet another allegation. The interesting thing about this one is that Microsoft actually have something to fight with here. The whole story is far to long to type up in a short update, so here is a link to the BBC News Site