
April 5, 2011


As many of you know, I hated the name Nic's CompBlog, as this blog was originally called. After a massive overhaul and a change of name, I was unable to change to domain to, as someone else owned it. I decided to invest in an actual domain, which I bought through Google apps to be registered on the eNom DNS host. (don't worry if you have no idea what this is, It took me a week to get to grips with, and I am good with tech!). 

So, after setting up the domain, I was presented with problems left, right and centre when trying to forward the domain to this blog. After reading through hundreds of useless Google Support files (telling me about CNAME, MX records, A records and many other useless numbers which make no sense) and trying to contact Google directly through email, which took me another 30 minuets to find, I finally cracked it! Now, This blog can be accessed through and we have our own personal emails! So now, If there are any questions, please contact 

4 hours and a very late night later, I finally have a domain!